We communicate via e-mail: When getting in touch ALWAYS include search number, stall number and name on sent form. 

WHAT'S THE DEAL: Generally you get a 3 by 3 meter spot for a single stall. No overstepping of your stall by ANYTHING. No tables, gazebos or power provided. OWN GENERATORS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED IF TOO LOUD OR NOT MENTIONED IN THE APPLICATION. There are limited sites available with storage/ parking space behind - please enquire. Also some power sites available, please enquire.

If you were sent an application form last year, you are in the database and may receive an invitation automatically. Please inform us of any changes of data. To secure a good spot, send back your application form including the stall fee as soon as possible.

If you receive your stall permit and a map and your cheque is cashed, you are in. Please stick to selling goods listed on the form. We are taking pictures of your stall to verify your stock. No on selling of space allowed.

VEHICLES & PARKING FOR GENERAL & FOOD STALLS: Only one vehicle per site is allowed into the Festival. We stagger the arrival time, your neighbour comes one hour later, to give you more space to unpack. Please keep the middle of the path free! Parking will be provided within the Festival Grounds and parking areas for your site number will be signposted. Your vehicle needs to be removed from your site once you have unloaded. No movement of vehicles is allowed within the Festival after 9.30am or before 6.30pm. Food stalls will where possible be able to park one supply vehicle behind their site. Please bring all the stock you need as no vehicle movement will be allowed once the Festival has started. The vehicle gate is locked during the day and will not be available for exit until 6.30pm. No vehicles may enter or exit after 9.30am.

INCREASED DEMAND FOR STALLS NATIONWIDE: Means that we are restating our priorities towards our community participants. Participation in the Festival is by invitation. If you are unlucky this year please apply again next year.

EXPECTATIONS ON APPLICANTS: Please provide complete details of what you are proposing to sell. The costs of providing the services, performances and activities and  are large and the Trust looks to pay for these by selling food and drink and other specific concessions. These people pay a higher rental than the average stalls and we try to make sure that they receive a fair deal in return.

ADVERTISING: Stallholders have the right to advertise within their own site. The Festival Trust Board reserves the right to remove any materials that obstruct walkways, interferes with a neighbour’s site or is in the opinion of the Trust an annoyance to others. Amplifiers, Radios, Alcohol, Sandwich Boards and equipment that causes any obstruction or nuisance to your neighbours are not permitted.

RUBBISH: Any waste generated from your stall is your responsibility to remove. Any rubbish left on site will affect your ability to participate in future festivals.

LEGAL & EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS: It is the responsibility of each stallholder to ensure they comply with any legal or local government licensing requirements. Food stalls have to supply a copy of their local council mobile food traders licence (If Auckland Council the license number is sufficient) OR should obtain a day license from Auckland City (Fill out, email back Foodstall questionnaire obtainable from our website or AC). A Food Handling Certificate is not a license. Fundraisers will be sent a form to return to us for an exemption from the day license fee. Tents, power, water requirements are your responsibility.

To sell food, you need: 

  • To hold a food act 2014 registration or

  • An application or confromation of application or

  • Contact Auckland council and MPI for an exemption of registration due to a one day trading activity or a charitable activity less than 20 days for an annual year.


THEFT DAMAGE OR LOSS: The Trust Board accepts no responsibility for any theft damage or loss to any stallholder’s goods or equipment. Supervision of and insurance on goods and equipment is the responsibility of the stallholder. The actions of employees is also the responsibility of the stallholder.

FEELING REJECTED? We are sorry for disappointment to those who do not get a stall this year. Please remember we are a small organization. There are no rights of participation. We will do our best to help provide sites for as many as we can whilst maintaining a good balance between commercial and community interests.



We hope you will all have an enjoyable and profitable day.                    

The Festival Team